Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
285 Dale St. N Saint Paul, MN 55103
(651) 227-8295
A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), Saint Paul Area Synod
Redeemer is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation

Youth and Children
All Children and Youth are invited to worship with the congregation and their parents at 10 am Holy Eucharist. Children take on leadership roles in worship, such as acolyte, while older children and youth regularly serve as torchbearers, cross-bearers and banner-bearers, incense bearers and scripture readers. Children and youth also participate in music ensembles, choirs, handbells, choir and Easter Orchestra. We believe that participation in worship is critical to faith formation for children and youth, and so we encourage families to worship together and take leadership roles.
PreSchool and Younger Elementary-Aged Children are invited forward in each worship service for a Children’s Message by the Pastor, who introduces the gospel theme of the day in a child-friendly manner.